Funkee Careers

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Look for clues and start packing your 'toolbox'!

A habit a teenager should get into is the maintaining of a ‘real time’ journey.   Doing this with regularity is about routine and disciple.  I emphasise ‘real time’ to make a point that ‘career clues’ can happen with regularity.   Remember we are trying to capture information that excites, inspires, enjoy, personal fulfillment. It may be an activity in the classroom, school yard or while going for a walk.   You see it is not limited to an organised experience or activity.  It’s about the journey!  

The idea is, as these activities and experiences are happening your child is capturing all ‘light globe moments’ the in a Career Portfolio.  "What’s that?", I hear you say.  It is a place to keep information about your achievements, work experience, volunteering, activities and experiences of interest, goals, careers research and details of people that can speak about your achievements and capabilities.