Funkee Careers

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Self Discovery, who knows what you will find?

I think self discovery is about grasping opportunities and being brave. Over time we will get a greater sense of oneself if we continue to try new stuff, activities and experiences. To emphasis this point, if you do nothing different time and time again, do not expect a different outcome.

Self discovery: the process of learning about yourself, who you are! So who are you? In general, the term "journey of self-discovery" refers to a travel, pilgrimage or series of events whereby a person attempts to determine how they feel personally, about spiritual issues and priorities, rather than following the opinions of family, friends, neighbourhood or peer pressure. Like "finding oneself".

So let’s self discover. I am finding out more about myself as I ‘pen’ this blog. I love the idea of coaching and helping others. I have ideas running around in my head on how I can coach and help others, though my challenge is learning how to connect with those that are either passively or actively seeking career help. So writing these blogs is a start for me. I know this is a basic example, though in most cases self discovery is about moving a thought into an action.

You know! You might think to yourself, “I really should be looking at doing some more study”. A very general or non specific goal and in itself makes the task daunting. Let’s break it down. For instance, you may have determined I really enjoy my job, which you have concluded in part through self discovery. What is my next career step? Self Discovery! What study would help me get there? Self Discovery!

Self Discovery is about your willingness to make the unknown, known to you. Then to make the unknown, known again and again…………

So get excited in knowing more about yourself to help give you clarity in your career choices.