Funkee Careers

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Why put cinnamon in?

A career analogy.

My daughter made a date loaf the other day. She is an adult, in case you were visualising a supervisory situation.

In the presence of my daughter I took my first bite of the freshly made date loaf. The date loaf did not have the taste that I had come to expect with this ever reliable recipe that dated (no pun intended) back to the 70s. Then my daughter pipes up and says “ I put a surprise ingredient in”, which I realised as the date loaf had a surprise taste. She continues “I put cinnamon in”. My response “Why put cinnamon in?”. Her response “I wanted to try something different”. I have got to say, that on my first taste of the date loaf it was bland! Over the coming week I continued to sample the date loaf with my opinion shifting from I better eat this because my daughter made it to acceptance of more than willing to have it with a cup of tea.

Why this analogy? Well sometimes we stay to the same recipe and we get the same result, which is OK if we truly want that result. Sometimes we want that predictability and comfort in our careers, which due to circumstances at a given point of time may be appropriate. Sometimes that predictability and comfort is the very thing that leaves a taste in our mouth that we are not willing to endue. So put some cinnamon into your career. Sure the change may be confronting, scary or create an unusual taste. Change can create that unusual taste, though after a while it might be a taste you come to enjoy. So try something new by adding some cinnamon into your career mix.