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It’s up to you to take the journey -- Make a habit of challenging yourself -- Be resilient -- Have fun

Maximise your potential by investing in YOU, to have your own ongoing process of exploring, discovering and validing your career choices. Invest in you, be you!

Our goal is to prepare, coach and support teenagers and beyond in the identification, development and optimisation of their unique personal capabilities in the context of career development, employability and personal wellbeing.  

Open your mind to knowing your career choices and implement your action plans to navigate the forever changing environment by finding the answers to 3 career work life questions:

Who I am?

Continually discovering one's own unique skills, values, abilities and aptitudes and their linking to careers, as well as the personal attributes of self knowledge and self esteem that contribute to a work-life balance and career success.

Continually discovering one's own unique skills, values, abilities and aptitudes and their linking to careers, as well as the personal attributes of self knowledge and self esteem that contribute to a work-life balance and career success.

Where am I going?

Managing and utilising employment and self information to identifying your most suitable career options and assessing  your learning and work opportunities.

Managing and utilising employment and self information to identifying your most suitable career options and assessing  your learning and work opportunities.

How am I getting there?

Identifying and applying strategies to access learning and work opportunities. Developing and practicing  life-long learning habits and strategies to ensure employability.  Working out the opportunities in the FUTURE  and determining the effort required NOW.


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Journey Model

Journey Model

Career Journey Model

At the heart of the Career Journey Model is YOU!  

Your MINDSET & MOTIVATION will directly impact on your acceptance, willingness and commitment to SELF DISCOVERY & SELF AWARENESS happenings, activities and experiences.

Your career choices will be fuelled by your actions in answering 3 career work life questions: "WHO AM I?", "WHERE AM I GOING?" and "HOW AM I GETTING THERE?"


Services & Programs

Services & Programs


Our programs focus on the current state (Who am I?), the future state (Where am I going to?) and a client journey strategy (How am I going to get there?) that will be your road map with action plans.  In addition, our methodology applies a 'check and review' process, knowing plans may change as we learn from our experiences.  An event happens, you reflect and you learn something that may reinforce or alter your career path choices.

Our portfolio of services range from focussing on a specific career development activity, such as resume preparation to customised individual programs:

  • Career mapping
  • Resumes: making you unique 
  • Interviews: preparation, presentation and targeted responses
  • Learning to learn
  • Support tools for parents and allies
  • Customised individual and group programs
  • Selection of quizzes to suit your career needs for the journey ahead in exploring and discovering career choices most suitable for you. 

Our individual programs have defined stages that are a guided process of information management and learning.


Client Benefits

Client Benefits

Client Benefits

The benefits you derive are all about better positioning you to pursue the career opportunities most suitable for you.

These benefits are and will always be in the context of accounting for our forever changing environment as we move along the journey of 'Who I am?', 'Where am I going?', and 'How am I getting there?'.

Benefits to Teenagers and Beyond 19:

Career Awareness

Increased confidence  

Ongoing Action Plan

Renewed purpose

Refreshed perspectives

Increased choice

Increased self knowledge

Increased self awareness

Support Network

Increased motivation

Increased Skills

Increased Productivity


Career Related Barriers

Career Related Barriers

Career related barriers

We want to help you on your journey!  


Sometimes people percieve a blockage or career related barrier that is 'preventing' their career development progression.  A reason for not pursing a certain career path.  If you notice one or more of these career related barriers (hover over picture) applicable to you or a friend, please contact us.

Career counselling and coaching helps to overcome career related barriers.


I can’t write a good enough resume         
I don’t have my family’s support         
I don’t have the right education and/or qualifications         
I don’t know how to sell my self          
I don’t know what I’m good at         
I don’t think my co-curricular activities and achievements are worthwhile         
I don’t want to do any more study         
I feel worthless         
I’m scared I won’t succeed at what I want to do        
I’m scared of interviews        
I’m scared of the assessments I need to undertake to help me decide on my career options  
I feel that I really don’t are not capable of having a successful career          
Career planning is a waste of time - it never works      
I’m scared that anything I start I won’t finish            
I just don’t know where to start when it comes to finding a job
I’m just unsure of my options          
I don’t feel confident talking about my career options
I feel like a failure if I have to get professional career advice    
I don’t have any good referees                 
I don’t like taking risks                
I don’t want to move home         
I would waste my qualifications if I changed career     


Career Counselling Insights

Career Counselling Insights



Career counselling is there to support you in developing and achieving your career journey plans.  We have provided speculative client situations to help you understand the career counselling process from a consultant’s perspective.  Click below

Counselling is about taking the time to talk and explore your thoughts.

Counselling is about taking the time to talk and explore your thoughts.


Parent Teenager Connection

Parent Teenager Connection

Parent teenager connection

Parents, you play an important role!

As your child goes through secondary school, he or she will begin to think about different careers.

As a parent, it is about being there when needed and sensing moments where your teenager needs support, direction and/or feedback.   

As a teenager, be open to your parents and allies helping you! Your allies are coaches, teachers, friends or other parents. 


Making Connections

Making Connections

Making connections

Networking: speak, listen, connect


Developing and managing your career can seem complex as we are talking about the unknown!  Where to start?  How to start?  Remember that it is a journey, which means it will take time.  Do not feel you have to have all the answers straight away!   

Be open to allies helping you! Your allies are managers, supervisors, coaches, mentors, teachers, collagues and friends.





Q: Does it work?

A: Yes!


Contact Us

Contact Us

Start your career journey here!  

We want to hear from you

Complete and submit the form opposite.


Text or call now on +61 402 895 513.


Email: david.kee@funkeecareers.com.au