Our portfolio of services range from focussing on a specific career development activity, such as resume preparation and interview responses to customised individual programs. These programs offer a selection of quizzes aligned to preparing you for the career journey ahead - to explore and discover the career choices most suitable for you.
Our programs focus on the current state (Who am I?), the future state (Where am I going to?) and a client journey strategy (How am I getting there?) that will be your road map with action plans. In addition, our methodology applies a 'check and review' process as plans change as we learn from our experiences. An event happens, you reflect and you learn something that may reinforce or alter your career path choices.
Our individual programs have defined stages that reflect a guided process of information management and learning.
- Online booking and completion of assessments
- Career coaching: personalised session(s) providing an explanation of assessment results and discussion on career action plan options.
The nature of the online assessments and number of career coaching sessions will be dependent on an initial chat with the client to ascertain the best course of action in fulfilling the clients needs.
Gap year experiences provide a wealth career information. Capture the moments in a career context of discovering and exploring ‘Who am l?’, ‘Where do I want to go?’ and ‘How will I get there?'
Who am I? Where am I going? How am I getting there? A customised intervention program with one-on-one coaching, developed according to the needs of an individual client.
Preparing for life whilst playing sport and for life after sport. If you want to become a professional sportsperson, go for it! The reality is you need to have contingency plan to provide yourself with career choice.
Selling yourself before you say a word! Language and terminology to attract the reader. A resume is your ticket to a potential interview.
An opportunity to sell your brand. Selling yourself to the selectors by the use of positve body language and learning how to respond to interview questions.
Preparing teenagers and parents with strategies that will assist in them working together in relation to career discussions by creating a common career language.
Career support guidance for parents. As a parent you can help and support your teenager.