Investment beyond 19

You are definitely worth it, so invest in yourself by committing the time and effort now.  Don’t let now become later!  I find it interesting that we will place importance on researching and investing in material items (like a phone), though we won’t have that same approach for investing in ourselves to optimise our capabilities and career choices.  Time, effort and money are investments into to finding out who you are – and your aptitude, interests, strengths.  This knowledge is the cornerstone in developing your career choices over a life time.

gap year journey

While having your life experiences, capture the career learnings.

$120 per person inclusive of online assessment reports and a career coaching session.

managing your career

A customised intervention developed according to your the needs.  

$280 per person inclusive of online assessment reports and career coaching.* 


be a sport

You need to have a career development plan working in parrellel to your playing.  

$180 per person inclusive of online assessment reports and a career coaching session. 

resume ready

Sell yourself before you even say a word. 

$120.00 per resume review


interview me

Sell your brand!  

$120.00 per session including mock interviews.  


share the career love

A common career language.

$50.00 per session with parent(s) and teenager together in session.

helping parents

Career support guidance for parents.  

$50.00 per session.


*The nature of the online assessments and number of career coaching sessions will be dependent on an initial chat with the client to ascertain the best course of action in fulfilling the clients needs.