coffee Chat!
A catch up, an informal chat while having a coffee or your drink of choice. An opportunity for you to ask any questions you would like about 'careers' and how it could relate to you. 15 minutes of your time. I guess it's the first step to being you!
Let's meet at a Cafe or Skype!
Some of your possible thoughts after our chat could be:
- That coffee was terrible!
- At least I now know how career development relates to my personal circumstances.
- That wasn't too bad and the coffee tasted good!
- I need to find out my career choices.
- I need to do something that is me!
- I definitely know more than I did!
- I might need to explore this career stuff more.
- I really need to do something about my career direction.
- Why am I drinking coffee when I don't even like it!
Some of Funkee Careers Coach's thoughts after our chat could be;
- In the bigger picture I have promoted career awareness.
- Once she believes in herself, she will be off and running!
- All he needs is direction, he has so much energy.
- That's the last time I go to that cafe!
I will leave it up to you as to who picks up the tab!
Coffee not compulsory