In our 15th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about how backing yourself in will give you the career confidence you need to achieve your career goals. He explores the importance of mindset being pivotal in developing career confidence. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 12 min 54 sec.
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Interview preparation
In our 14th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, takes you on a interview journey from setting the scene with a mock interview: to the importance of having a interview mindset: to providing you with type of interview questions that are asked : to helping you with your interview responses by providing examples of your skills and experiences to address the key selection criteria. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 9 min 21 sec.