Viewing entries tagged
career interests

Get Smart


Get Smart

In our 16th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about how we are all smart in different ways. You know we all have our thing! Now your mission, if you choose to take it, is to delve, explore and investigate your ‘smartness’. Let me explain. This guy in 1983 Dr. Howard Gardner, Professor of Education at Harvard University. developed the theory of multiple intelligence. By you using this theory you can find your area(s) of smartness and think about how that could translate into career choices.


Career Confidence


Career Confidence

In our 15th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about how backing yourself in will give you the career confidence you need to achieve your career goals. He explores the importance of mindset being pivotal in developing career confidence. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 12 min 54 sec.


How am I getting there?


How am I getting there?

In our 9th podcast, David Kee the Founder of Funkee Careers, introduces you to the career journey element of “How am I getting there?”. Instead of providing one of his zany analogies he shares his own personal experiences by taking his own “Where am I going?” statements and explaining the strategies he thought up to answer “How am I getting there?” He focusses on working out the opportunities in the FUTURE and determining the effort required NOW. Listening time: 12 min 48 secs


Where am I going?


Where am I going?

In our 8th podcast, David Kee the Founder of Funkee Careers, introduces you the career journey element of “Where am I going?” through managing and utilising employment information and self information to identify your most suitable career related options. He speaks of knowing “Who am I?” as the cornerstone to gaining understanding and clarity on “Where am I going?”. Listening time: 8 min 29 secs.


Careermas Special


Careermas Special

In our 6th podcast, David Kee the Founder of Funkee Careers, makes a comparison where at Christmas time there are many questions that need answering just as there are many career development questions that need answering. So in an attempt to answer these career development questions he gets a cooking bowl mixes in a number to cups of career development together with Christmas tidings to provide some tasty responses. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 15 minutes.


Career Interests: Wow I like doing that!


Career Interests: Wow I like doing that!

In our 4th podcast episode David Kee the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about a raft of career related interests in understanding “Who am I?” and their connection to careers. He provides an explanation on the vast array of possible interests by breaking them into interest categories that are defined and applied in the results of Morrisby Online Career Assessment Reports. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 12 minutes.
