Viewing entries tagged
career wellbeing

And guest: I send a massage Hope it gets through!


And guest: I send a massage Hope it gets through!

In our 23rd podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks are things career journey with Phil Boland, who found another use for his hands from being an apprentice in the printing industry to being a Remedial Massage Therapist. Over the years he has committed to developing his craft and more recently was a Remedial Massage Therapist at the Tokyo Olympics for the Australian Team. Listening time: 29min 51sec


Career Confidence


Career Confidence

In our 15th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about how backing yourself in will give you the career confidence you need to achieve your career goals. He explores the importance of mindset being pivotal in developing career confidence. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 12 min 54 sec.


Resume Resonate


Resume Resonate

In our 13th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about the importance of your resume resonating with the reader.. So the reader’s first instinct from reading your page turning resume is to put you in the “YES” pile for interview.


Employability Skills


Employability Skills

In our 12th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about the significance that employability skills play in your career journey, whether your applying to a job, attending an interview, seeking a promotion or wanting to be a good performer in the workplace you will need to demonstrate you have the employability skills to get the job done.


Career Wellbeing


Career Wellbeing

In our 11th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about the importance of looking after your Career Wellbeing as work often plays a big part in our lives both in effort and time. He discusses the need to be proactive in checking in on your Career Wellbeing to ensure it is enhancing your overall wellbeing. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 9 min 55 secs.
