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And guest: Putting Science into Business


And guest: Putting Science into Business

In our 21st podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks are things career journey with Kate Taylor, who with a Science qualification applied science methodology to become a corporate business problem solver. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 61min 9sec


Who Where How Career Evolution


Who Where How Career Evolution

In our 10th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, explains how career evolution is a fundamental concept you need to understand and apply in knowing Who am I?, Where am I going? and How am I getting there?. The Who Where How is at a point in time. You see, you start out with a destination in mind and then events just unfold, some planned, some unforeseeable. Your career will evolve as you build your skills & experience and you learn more about yourself, different roles and industries.


Career Interests: Wow I like doing that!


Career Interests: Wow I like doing that!

In our 4th podcast episode David Kee the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks about a raft of career related interests in understanding “Who am I?” and their connection to careers. He provides an explanation on the vast array of possible interests by breaking them into interest categories that are defined and applied in the results of Morrisby Online Career Assessment Reports. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 12 minutes.
