Congratulations you have made a positive step to developing your career choices.
Thank you for choosing a career program with Funkee Careers. In preparation for this program, you are required to complete some career related assessments. Many people who complete these career related assessments complete them based upon their Contextual persona (ie who we are at work/socially) or our Developmental persona (ie who we want to become) - your challenge is to try to complete the following assessments from the point of view of 'who you are naturally' so we can identify your 'Primary persona'. Remember: there are no right or wrong answers - the answer that fits your 'Primary Persona' is exactly the right answer for you. Use the following link and complete each assessment in one sitting away from distractions. Please copy and paste the entire link into your web browser.,9
Thank you - if you have questions, please contact me on 0402 895 513 or email
I look forward to meeting you.
Best regards, David Kee, Director Funkee Careers