Teenager Programs in more detail....

You are definitely worth it, so invest in yourself by committing the time and effort now.  Don’t let now becom.e later!  I find it interesting that we will place importance on researching and investing in material items (like a phone), though we won’t have that same approach for investing in ourselves to optimise our capabilities and career choices.  Time, effort and money are investments into to finding out who you are – and your aptitude, interests, strengths.  This knowledge is the cornerstone in developing your career choices over a life time.

self discovery program




Who am I? (School level years 7 to 9)

Self Discovery focuses on two important elements being your:

  • Study Style
  • Employability Skills

Two stage process:

  1. Invitation and assessment
  2. Consultation with participant to review report and develop action plan

(Each consultation is approximately 30 minutes)

Study Style is built on the premise that your natural abilities (your intelligence and skills) lay the foundation for learning.  Developing abilities (your attitudes, interests, habits and environment), such as persistence, seeking help or the self discpline required to study, that determine the extent to which your natural ability is utilised.

We explore how a student currently tackles studying and learning, with discussions on their strengths and strategies to improve their study style.  You will develop your learnability by applying benchmarks and measures to an annual development plan relating to personal, classroom and homework study skills and attitudes that underline your academic potential.

Parents are also invited to participate in an online assessment regarding homework study skills in evaluating and supporting the development of their child’s learnability skills.


  • identify the skills you have which support your learning;
  • identify the areas you may need to improve; and
  • track the development of your learn-ability skills over time.

Employability Skills

Employability skills are defined as skills required not only to gain employment, but also to progress within your career so as to achieve your potential and contribute to your employer. Research conducted with major employers are telling us the skills that employers will be seeking in the 21st Century are process skills, in other words, ways of thinking and ways of working together.  Students will be taken through the skill sets that will see them achieve success in employment and development of action plan to assist students to develop employability skills.





Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? (School level year 10 to leaving)

An effective way of helping teenagers make decisions for first preference for University, Vocational Education Training (VET) or employment.  Benefits would be gained from parental involvement with the teenager.  

This program is a consolidation of our Self Discovery and our Career Choices programs to discover, explore and action plan their career options. 

Two stage process

  1. Book meeting times and online assessments, such as a Career Interest Quiz and a Personality Assessment Quiz
  2. Career coaching consultation meetings (number of meetings being client dependent, with each consultation being approximately 1 hour) 

Career coaching consultations:

  • purpose and process
  • What makes me 'who I am?'
  • Valuing my unique talents
  • Explanation on Online Career Quizzes & Assessment Reports you completed
  • Development and formalisation of sustainable career action plans

The participant will develop a comprehensive action plan focussing on the career choices formed through completing an extensive range of  career development activities.  These activities relate to identifying career pathway needs, career interests, personality type, learning preferences and areas for development, subject and course preferences and values that make the participant feel satisfied, motivated, rewarded and appreciated.

In addition, as a result of the online assessments we will discuss your study style and employability skills:

Study Style is built on the premise that your natural abilities (your intelligence and skills) lay the foundation for learning, however it is developing abilities (your attitudes, interests, habits and environment), such as persistence, seeking help or the self-discpline required to study, that the determine the extent to which your natural ability is utilised.

We explore how a student currently tackles studying and learning, with discussions on their strengths and strategies to improve their study style.  You will develop your learnability by applying benchmarks and measures to an annual development plan relating to personal, classroom and homework study skills and attitudes that underline your academic potential.

Parents are also invited to participate in an online assessment regarding homework study skills in evaluating and supporting the development of their child’s learnability skills.

Employability skills are defined as skills required not only to gain employment, but also to progress within your career so as to achieve your potential and contribute to your employer. Research conducted with major employers are telling us the skills that employers will be seeking in the 21st Century are process skills, in other words, ways of thinking and ways of working together.  Students will be taken through the skill sets that will see them achieve success in employment and development of action plan to assist students now to develop employability skills.


Sporting professionals and teams

Preparing for life whilst playing sport and life after sport. If you want to become a professional sportsperson, go for it!  The reality is you need to have contingency plan to provide yourself career choice. 

Career development activities focusing on career choices outside of pursuing professional sporting career for the purposes for work/life balance and wellbeing and for a career after sport.


helping parents

Career support guidance for parents.  As a parent you can help and support your teenager.

Helping parents to understand student career issues and how they can provide empathy and support to their child.

Consultation with Parent(s)on support strategies





share the career love

Preparing students and parents with strategies that will assist them in working together in relation to career discussions by creating a common career language.

Consultation with Student(s) and Parent(s) on support strategies and working together

resume ready

Selling yourself before you say a word. Language and terminology to attract the reader.  A resume is your ticket to a potential interview or being selected to lead or participant in co-curriculum activity.  





Interview me

An opportunity to sell your brand.  Selling yourself to the selectors by the use of positve body language and learning how to respond to interview questions.  Practice responses to interview questions based on key selection criteria. 


Career Interest Quiz

The result: the career fields that are of greatest and of least interest to you.  This is to assist students more easily explore and identify career choices most suitable for them.

Do you like being outdoors?  Do you like to work with tools and fix or build things?  Do you like to observe, investigate and experiment?  Do you have a good imagination and have 'light globe moments'? Do you like to express yourself creatively being artistic, musical or literary?  Do you like talking, discussing, building relationships and leading others?  Do you like to work indoors involving planning, organising and being accurate, working with numbers and calculations?  Do you like to work mainly with people or that you are concerned with their social welfare?


Personality Assessment Quiz

Extraversion  Where do I focus my energy?  Introversion

outward, expressive, talker<                                         >inward, reflective, thoughtful, listener

Sensing (factual) How do I perceive information? Intuition (possibilities)

details, realistic, sequential, present<                                       >big picture, possibilities, future, random

Thinking (logical) How do I judge that information?  Feeling (people)

Objective, firm minded, policy, clarity<                                     >subjective, fair hearted, values harmony

Judging (structured) What is my preferred life-style? Perceiving(flexible)

planned, scheduled deadline, fixed<                                  >open minded, spontaneous, what deadline
