We've got some answers!
Q1: Does it work?
A: Yes it will work, if you work at it! Our process is about you understanding ‘who am l?, where am I going? and how will I get there?’ Career development is about self-managing your career. The role of Funkee Careers is to support, motivate, coach and guide you. As they say, ‘You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink!’
Q2: I haven’t got time for career development activities.
A: There is a saying “If you want something done, ask a busy person!” Career development is such an important issue it's worth making the time to fit it in. Facing these issues head on - with the guidance of Funkee Careers- will have enormous benefits for you and your well-being over the course of your entire life. I would make the time, whether it’s utilising the services of Funkee Careers or a comparative service.
Q3: Why would I bother making the time for career development experiences and activities when I have done it before at school or by myself?
A: Our employment opportunities will continue to be fluid with little or no linear options for career development (ie if I do this, I will get that). Our changing environment is dictating future positions that we do not even know about yet! Careers globalisation, the rapid increases in information and communications technology and significant demographic shifts have totally changed the career development dynamic.
Q4: What is a Career Development Plan?
A: It is a 'living record' of the experiences and activities you plan to pursue. A Career Development Plan is based on what you have learnt in the past from planned or unplanned experiences, or activities for the purpose of defining the careers most suitable for you. It needs to account for foreseeable and progressive workplace trends. For example, research shows that individuals change jobs more frequently than they did in the past. Similarly, jobs today have more varied working arrangements. Your Career Development Plan is a commitment to life long learning and could include a roadmap to increase your portfolio of formal qualifications or other 21st century workplace skills such as communication, problem solving, teamwork and personal attributes such as adaptability, resilience, enthusiasm and openness to new ideas. You need to shift your thinking to get ahead of the game!!
Q5: I already know enough about my interests, personality and careers that I would be good at.
A: The career development process is about exploring your interests, the nature of your personality and possible careers. It's about creating experiences and activities that validate the careers that would be most suitable to you. ‘You don't know what you don’t know’. We all have what the Johari Window refers to as the ‘Unknown area’.
Q6: Why do I have to know ‘who I am’ before I decide what I want to do?
A: It’s about making an informed decision on your career choices, as it aligns you to a career. Further research or activities will need to be performed to validate the career most suitable for you.
Q7: I get high marks in English, Maths and science subjects so I will have plenty of career options, won't I?
A: Getting good marks is only one part of the picture. Career development is about committing the effort to a process of defining the career choices most suitable for you. It is important, that you are true to yourself and pursue career options that are aligned to who you are and your capabilities. Sometimes the ‘tail wags the dog’, meaning we think we want to be ‘something’, without challenging who we really are.
Q8: Is it worth it?
A: You are definitely worth it, so invest in yourself by committing the time and effort now. Don’t let now become later! I find it interesting that we will place importance on researching and investing in material items (like a phone), though we won’t have that same approach for investing in ourselves to optimise our capabilities and career choices. Time, effort and money are investments into to finding out who you are – and your aptitude, interests, strengths. This knowledge is the cornerstone in developing your career choices over a life time.
Q9: Isn’t this already done in schools?
A: No one place, activity or experience can give you the answer for life. It’s about the journey.
Q10: Why should I start my career development in the early years of secondary school, when it will not determine the job I will be doing in the future?
A: Career development is about self-discovery, where you journalise and collect information. It is not a direct ‘cause and effect relationship’. It is an accumulation of activities and experiences that will complete the ‘career journey puzzle’.
Q11: How long is the process?
A: The Funkee Careers generic process for career development is an email invitation to complete online assessments, face to face career counselling meeting(s) and the development of career action plans.
Q12: How much will it cost?
A: The level of investment will vary dependent on the customised service and program. Importantly, any investment should be treated as a cost of setting you up for success.
Q13: When is the 'best time' to do career development?
A: Career development is not a point time. It is life-long learning: learning about yourself and your capabilities, and how this information translates into identifying your career/work life choices. This can be applied in the context of career self-discovery activities as secondary school student to retirement. It is about your ability to determine the need in light of your school/work/life circumstances.
Q14: My parents have told me what I should do and what I would be good at
A: I appreciate that, though this is only one option! To give yourself the best opportunity or to verify your parent’s opinion you should develop a career plan. “Never put your eggs in one basket”.
Q15: I already know what I want to do
A: You know, based on what you know! It is important to ensure you explore this option to challenge and valid your career choices.
Q16: If I do this, will you guarantee I will know my future career?
A: Career development is not a ‘crystal ball’ solution. It is dependent on you committing to an ongoing process of knowing who you, where you want to go and how you are going to get there. Nothing is ever set in stone as there will environmental influences beyond your control that will require you to change or adapt your career development plans.
Q17: Isn’t too early?
A: It is never too early for you or the parents of a child to identify, observe or seek feedback regarding interests, strengths, aptitudes, attitudes, beliefs and values. These findings are opportunities for exploration and discovery.
Q18: Where do I go to complete assessments?
A: We will email an invitation to you. Our email will contain a link to the online assessments.
Q19: I am unable to meet with you face to face for career coaching. Do you offer alternative methods for career coaching?
A: Absolutely! We would meet online using Skype or an equivalent form of social media.
Q20: Where are all the results of the online assessments stored?
A: An accredited Career Management System secure environment that has operated and been enhanced over 10 years to reflect both career management practices and data privacy.