Networking is about building unconditional business relationships. Contributing to the greater good within or across fields of endeavour. You know, that feeling of giving to others without expecting anything in return. That ‘s the premise and how good does that feel?

As these networking relationships develop, one of the benefits is that it gives you an opportunity to explore and discover all things you and your career! The career path we want to take is not always apparent. Actually we often sit or stand in the same spot expecting the answers to come to us. The reality is we need fresh inputs to create fresh outputs. New ideas, new actions, new options. Networking helps us with that!

Networking provides us with the opportunities to:

  • Investigate new industries

  • Explore the feasibility of changing careers

  • Target organisations that appeal to you

  • Meet people who can influence others in their own company and create opportunities for you

  • Increase your exposure 

  • Gather critical career information

  • Uncover realistic job possibilities

Who to connect with to build your network

  • Colleagues, peers, team members

  • Mentors

  • Coaches

  • Managers

  • Direct reports

  • Customers and clients

  • Vendors, suppliers, consultants

  • Professional associations

  • Competitors

Remember, like building any relationship it takes time and commitment.

Funkee Careers

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