In our 24th podcast, David Kee, the Founder of Funkee Careers, talks to Natalie Thorne who mixes Math, Problem Solving and Genetics to launch herself into DNA space to explore and discover the DNA universe and the extent to which DNA research and findings can be applied to human wellbeing. The commentary is presented in a lively and slightly humorous manner. We hope the listening brings joy to your day, just as our purpose is to help you find careers that will bring you joy. Listening time: 49min 11sec
A podcast to help people find their career joy by discussing the many elements that impact on the sliding door moments in a career journey: confidence, motivation, strategy, action plans, purpose, perspectives, choice, self knowledge, self awareness, support network, skills, productivity, personality, strengths, beliefs, values, aptitudes, interests, barriers and assessments - just to name a few!