getting to know us
Funkee Careers commitment is to motivate, help and support people in developing and acquiring the qualifications, skills and experience employers demand in the 21st century. We will partner with schools, universities and businesses for employability skill development and being achievement of personal wellbeing and work life balance.
Funkee Careers is here to coach, facilitate and support students and adults in the identification, development and optimisation of unique personal capabilities in the context of career development, employability, personal wellbeing and work life balance.
Let’s break that down quickly for YOU. All individuals have unique personal capabilities; values, skills, aptitudes and attitudes. Problems arise where an individual sets goals or objectives without having the depth of self-awareness, insight, understanding, knowledge or skills required to make a measured assessment reflective of their capabilities.
Our client outcomes focus on giving you work life purpose, sustainable behavioural change, accountability, and creating life-long learning habits through career development action plans.
- Passion & Commitment we love to coach, help and support individuals to realise their potential
- Fully Qualified to deliver and interpret the CFT Suite of career life assessments; Graduate Diploma in Career Development, Swinburne University of Technology; Professional Membership Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA); Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) Membership
- Accredited Career Management System (CMS): Complete range of career and learning assessments and reports applicable to students and adults; cost effective; based on 10 years research; meets ethical requirements - users must be accredited to use CM
- Diverse range of assessment tools for all phases of growing up to career to transitioning into retirement.
- Customised and flexible programs. We will listen to understand your needs and circumstances.
- Client service support, follow up and on-going communication to ensure you are moving forward.
- Client Purpose. Clients need to answer the 3 work life questions: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there?
- Sustainable approach to life-long learning, work life balance and personal wellbeing
- Transitioning individuals to taking control and responsibility for their careers.
- Parent and/or Teacher engagement is encouraged and provided for in supporting students in their career journey.
We take you on an journey through career experiences and activities that allows you to draw out for unique capabilities relevent to developing your customised action plan
If you need answers to any of the following questions, that’s what we do…………………
- Do you know yourself and have a plan to access your career choices?
- Do you know where you want to go and how to get there?
- Do you know how to develop the skills employers will need in the 21st Century?
- Do you know how to prepare a resume to sell yourself?
- Do you know how to prepare for and sell yourself in interviews?
- Do you know how to learn more effectively?
- Do you, as a parent, know how to support your child with career guidance?
Funkee Careers goal is to prepare and coach individuals to become self-sufficient in managing their careers.
We will facilitate your journey and help you to transition the work life environmental influences, allowing you to focus on the development of your unique personal capabilities for the journey ahead.
We believe in what we do......My passion for Funkee Careers has evolved out of my work/life experiences. "I wish I had the opportunity or placed a greater priority on getting career advice. This has motivated me to help people unearth themselves and reach their potential in a career work life sense. I believe everyone has something to offer. In general conversation, I have spoken to parents of school children and their children, with a large majority of these conversations suggesting a lack of depth by parent and/or child as to understanding career development in creating career choices. I want children to have the opportunity to get 'good career advice'. It could make the difference between igniting their passion or not! The earlier we can have these discussions with children, the earlier they will develop a mindset to explore their inner beliefs. Similarly, I look at organisations and their people. For an organisation to achieve their objectives, it needs it's people to be fully engaged in their jobs. Too many times there is a mismatch between the individual and job/organisation. I look at employees thinking, I hope these people have the opportunity to get 'good career advice'. That's what drives me.
Funkee Careers facilitates pathways with multiple career options rather than a single deterministic career target, We ensure you have career choice, as opposed career chance, where if it doesn't work out you are lost to what comes next.
Funkee Careers will help you identify and pursue the career you want and we have the expertise and a fresh approach that works. Benefits to clients
Professional Profile: Values based, highly experienced Human Resources and Organisational Development professional with strong strategic and operational expertise in:
Strategic planning and implementation: Do we know where we want to go and how do we get there?
Culture and values: How should we work and behave together?
Capability: Do we have skills and experience to deliver high performance?
Role clarity and employee performance: Do our people know what is expected of them and know if they are doing a good jog?
Talent: How do we nurture, grow and reward talent?
Career Development Facilitator: Do you know yourself and have a plan to access your career possibilities?
Accreditation: Fully qualified to deliver and interpret the CFT Suite of career life assessments. Accreditation achieved through completion of the ‘Assessment and Models of Client Management’ module within the Graduate Diploma in Career Development, Swinburne University of Technology.
Industry experience: Education, Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, Public Accountancy Practices and Information Technology sectors, within multinationals, national and medium sized domestic organisations.
Me: Consultative coaching style and collaborative approach to building business and employee capacity, capability and performance. The challenge I accept is not only identifying the capability of employees, it is the creation of a culture and infrastructure that will support employee development efforts in the achievement of the organisational key performance indicators.
Qualifications: Masters in Educational Studies by research (current): ‘Are secondary school students learning the workplace skills required by employers’. Federation University; Graduate Diploma in Career Development, Swinburne University of Technology; Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management, Swinburne University of Technology
Professional Memberships: Australian Human Resources Institute; Professional Career Development Association of Australia; Certified Practicing Accountan